

ジェニー・ドウェル リズモー市長、外務大臣表彰式
Mayor receives Japanese Commendation from Consul-General

10月8日(木曜日)、リズモー市議場にて、ジェニー・ドウェル リズモー市長への外務大臣表彰式が行われ、在シドニー総領事館の高岡正人総領事から賞状などが贈られました。







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Mayor receives Japanese Commendation from Consul-General
Thursday, 08 October 2015

Lismore Mayor Jenny Dowell was presented with a Foreign Minister's Commendation by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a special ceremony on Thursday, 8 October.
Mayor Dowell received the award in recognition of her outstanding contribution to the promotion of friendship between Japan and other nations.

She was presented with the Commendation by the Consul-General of Japan, Mr Masato Takaoka.

“I am very honoured to receive this award. I have a great love of Japan, particularly since visiting there myself, and the friendships I have developed with the Mayor of Yamato Takada and the people of the city are very special to me,” Mayor Dowell said.

“Our sister city relationship with Yamato Takada is one of the things Lismore can be most proud of. Thanks to the forethought and kindness of Father Paul Glynn, our city spearheaded reconciliation between Australia and Japan in a way that had never been seen before.

“This award affirms that Lismore City Council values that friendship as much today as when it started 52 years ago.”

The sister city relationship between Lismore and Yamato Takada was the first of its kind between Australia and Japan, pioneered by Lismore's Father Paul Glynn in 1963.

Mayor Dowell has played a key role in maintaining that relationship and fostering cultural sharing between the two cities, playing an integral part in the 50th anniversary celebrations in 2013.

She has since visited Japan with Lismore City Council General Manager Gary Murphy to extend the hand of friendship and organises ceremonies that nurture the close bond between the two cities, including annual Skype sessions and letters.

Lismore and Yamato Takada also have an annual Student Exchange Program so high school students can gain an insight into a different culture. The 2015 exchange concluded this week, with students returning from a nine-day trip where they visited schools, went sightseeing and enjoyed home stay experiences.

Image: Mayor Jenny Dowell receives her Foreign Minister's Commendation from the Consul-General of Japan Mr Masato Takaoka on 8 October.




